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News and Stories

People and Culture

Take a peek inside the CIA. Discover who we are, learn a little about what we do, and explore some quirky stories that don’t quite fit anywhere else.


The Spymaster's Assistant

Traveling westward during the Great Depression, through the winding Rocky Mountains of Colorado and the high rugged deserts of Arizona, a young Fisher Howe had an inkling he’d someday work in foreign lands.

What Fisher didn’t know was that his journey would last 100 years, and during his lifetime he’d not only contribute to the foundations of today’s diplomatic services, but he would also personally witness the formation of America ’s first spy agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

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Fisher Howe in uniform during WWII.

Featured Stories

The Women Who Lived at CIA
Eero Saarinen: A Place in Architectural History
The Indomitable Maria Gulovich

Featured Jobs

Our Agency’s hiring needs are as dynamic as the ever-changing intelligence landscape.

Collection Management Officers drive the collection of foreign intelligence and manage the dialogue between U.S. intelligence consumers and the Directorate of Operations.

  • Full time
  • Starting salary: $70,685 - $107,590*
  • *Higher starting salary possible depending on experience level
  • Bachelor’s degree; no preferred major or program of study
  • Foreign language bonus eligible

Directorate of Operations Language Officers use their foreign language skills, cultural experience, and expertise to support clandestine operations.

  • Full time
  • Starting salary: $77,840 - $128,956*
  • *Higher starting salary possible depending on experience level
  • Bachelor’s degree; no preferred major or program of study
  • Foreign language bonus eligible

Case Officers clandestinely spot, assess, develop, recruit, and handle non-U.S. citizens with access to foreign intelligence vital to U.S. foreign policy and national security decision-makers.

  • Full Time
  • Starting salary: $70,685 - $107,590*
  • *Higher starting salary possible depending on experience level
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Foreign language bonus eligible
  • Foreign travel is required

Paramilitary Operations Officers lead and manage Covert Action programs and collect foreign intelligence vital to national security policymakers.

  • Full time
  • Starting salary: $77,840 - $128,956*
  • *Higher starting salary possible depending on experience level
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Foreign language bonus eligible
Decorative glyph for News and Stories.

About People and Culture

In this section, you’ll discover stories about the women and men who helped create America’s first spy agency, the Office of Strategic Services, as well as some surprising characters from CIA’s past. You’ll also learn about our Agency today, its culture, and some of the quirkier stories that don’t quite fit anywhere else. You may even encounter a spy dog or two!

Dig around our story archive – you never know what obscure little tales you’ll discover.